Hilferty Probst Family Tree - Person Sheet
Hilferty Probst Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameJohn Francis Hilferty
Birth21 Jan 1910, Pennsylvania
Death24 Apr 1988, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA USA
Residence1935, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residence1 Apr 1940, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Residence1930, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residence1910, Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residence1920, Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
FatherJohn Francis Hilferty (1882-1913)
MotherMae A McCann (1886-1968)
Birth25 Jul 1911, Pennsylvania
Death5 Aug 1981, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA USA
FatherJoseph Frederick Probst (1881-1961)
MotherAnne Victoria Rieger (1882-1963)
Marriage28 Apr 1932, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
ChildrenMary (1931-2008)
 Anne Marie (1933-)
 John F (1936-)
 Eileen Margaret Mary (1938-1988)
 Margaret Mary (1957-)
Notes for John Francis Hilferty
Name: John F /Hilferty/
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}\pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural \f0\fs26 \cf0 1910 Fed Census - 16 April 1910 - 129 Wilt St, Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. John, age 3 months, Born in Pennsylvania. Enumerated with John & May (parents) and Mary (sister). \par \par 1920 Fed Census - 19 Jan 1920 - 2111 Howard Street, Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. John, age 9. Enumerated as son of Mae A Hilferty (daughter of John McCann (Head)) listed as Widowed. \par \par 1930 Fed Census - 5 April 1930 - 169 Susquahana Avenue, Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. John, age 20. Enumerated with Mary A Hilferty (sister of Katherine McCann (head)). Also lists Margaret Sherry (aunt of Katherine McCann) \par \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\cf0 \par 1932 - Marriage to Margaret V Probst \par \par 1940 Fed Census - 10 April 1940 - Reese Street - Institution of St Henry's Convent - Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania - Age 30 - Born in Pennsylvania. Enumerated with Wife, 3 daughters (Mary, age 8; Anne Marie, age 6; Eileen, age 2) and a son (John Jr, age 5). The family rented the residence for $30 per month. The family lived at the same place 5 years before. John listed 8 as highest grade of education completed. John also listed as working in private, non-governmental for 48 hours the previous week as a R.R. Signalman for the Railroad. He was employed for 52 weeks of the previous year and was paid $1860 in 1939. \par \par 1950 Fed Census - \par \par 1960 Fed Census - \par \par 1970 Fed Census - \par \par 1980 Fed Census - \par }
Last Modified NewCreated 21 Apr 2019 using Reunion for Macintosh
Data Exported from Reunion v12 on 21 Apr 2019