Hilferty Probst Family Tree - Person Sheet
Hilferty Probst Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameWilliam H Wynn
Birth1841, Fluvana, VA
Residence1880, South Hill, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States
Residence1870, South Hill, Mecklenburg, Virginia
Residence1910, La Crosse, Mecklenburg, Virginia
Residence1880, South Hill, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States
Residence1900, South Hill, Mecklenburg, Virginia
Birth1848, Mecklenberg County, VA
Death1930, Mecklenber County, VA
FatherEdmond Allen (1825-)
MotherHannah Butterworth (1830-)
ChildrenWilliam L (1868-)
 Mary W (~1876-)
 Edmond (~1876-)
 Benjamin (~1878-)
 Ella (~1878-)
 George Washington (1879-1958)
 Hannah (~1880-)
 Lewellyn (~1882-)
 Lucy (~1889-)
 Clara (~1891-)
 Ida (~1892-)
 Colonel Lomax (~1894-)
 Matthew (~1897-)
Notes for William H Wynn
Name: William H /Winn/
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf370\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}\deftab720\pard\pardeftab720 \f0\fs24 \cf0 From bound booklet titled \par \b William Henry and Nancy Allen Winn Family Reunion \b0 \par Front sheet has title and a photocopy of pictures presumably of William and Nancy. \par \b Page 2 (Back of title sheet)\b0 has pictorial of family tree. At bottom, starts with the word ROOTS, then goes upwards with a numbered listing. 1 William, 2 Ella, 3 George, 4 Edmond, 5 Benjamin (Ben), 6 Mary, 7 Llewellyn, 8 Hannah (Sue), 9 Noami, 10 Matthew, 11 Clara, 12 Ida, 13 Baby Winn (Wesley), 14 Lomax (Jack). \par \b Page 3 - July 25 - 26, 1981 - Schedule \b0 \par July 25 - 4:00 - 4:30 P.M. - Registration and get acquainted time - Family Room - Holiday Inn, South Hill, Virginia \par 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. - Welcome by Chairperson - Eddie Wynn Jr. and Introduction of Father Wilson - Prayer \par Introduction by - Garnette P. Mushaw \par Song - Hazel Oliver - Accompanied by Sister Liquilla Evans \par Family History - Bernyce O. Wynn \par Creative Work - Nancy T. Burwell - Introduction of Family Booklet and The Forming of a Committee to Exhume Grandfather Billy's Remains \par July 26 - 12:00 Noon - Church Services - Miles Bethel Memorial Visit The Family Resting Place. \par \b Page 4 - The Family Reunion Committee \b0 \par Eddie Wynn, Jr. - Chairperson \par Nancy T. Burwell - Co-Chairperson \par Garnette P. Mushaw \par Susie B. Jones \par Shirley W. Harrison \par Member Emeritus \par Bernyce O. Wynn \par On this day, July 25, 1981, we pay tribute to Grandfather (Billy) and Grandmother (Nancy) and their children for our beginning and for their love and care of this wonderful family totaling over 530 members. \par \b Page 5 - Biographical Sketch \b0 \par It is with great pride and joy that we wander back today into the Wynn family of deeply woven threads that were tied by hard work, care and love. \par William the son of Quintina Winn(Wynn) Hammock and Nancy the daughter of Edmond Allen were united in Holy Matrimony soon after the close of the Civil War 1865. \par We must assume they were married by a white minister because there were no Black ministers capable of performing the ceremony at this time. \par William Wynn came from Lunenburg County, Virginia, and Nancy Allen came from Mecklenburg County, Virginia. We do not know how these two persons met and got together. This couple settled in Mecklenburg County and spent their entire married life there. \par There were fourteen children born to this union, thirteen of them reached adult-hood and one died in infancy. \par William Henry Wynn (Billy, as he was known throughout Mecklenburg County and Brunswick County) was said to be a very prosperous farmer. He was called the wealthiest Black man in Mecklenburg County. It is said that he owned about 500 acres of land, some in Mecklenburg and some in Brunswick County. Some of this land still remains int he family. He was an ambitious man with a great deal of strength and courage. \par His wife Nancy worked hand in hand with him as a partner. Their accomplishments were unbelievable considering that they were born slaves. We look back to these two people and wonder how they succeeded after rearing a large family. \par I am told that they were both devout Christians and often held prayer services and spiritual meetings in their home. Neighbors would often come and join with them. On Sunday mornings the children would often hear their parents singing and praying when they awoke. Therefore the family has a wonderful religious background, which should be continued from generation to generation. This accounts for their prosperity and the great family of which you are a part. \par Those of you who are alive today should feel that you have a rich heritage because of your religious background, and the training that has come from your parents and grandparents. \par When we read the history of the Miles Chapel C.M.E. Church at Blackridge, Virginia, we find William Henry Wynn to be one of the founders. It has been said that the land on which the church stands was given by him. His name \b (Page 6)\b0 along with the names of two other men, Henry Taylor and Edmond Allen, will stand as a monument as long as the church remains. \par For as much as God put in the hearts of these men to build a church for worship and service to God. Let us love it an cherish it forever. \par They do not die who live full lives and well. \par Whose hearts extend so far, so wide, so deep. \par They touch the lives of young and old alike. \par They do not die, they only fall asleep. \par They do not die who live unselfishly for others. \par The shadow of theirs is ours to keep, \par And memories they have left behind remind us \par They do not die, they only fall asleep. \par They do not die but live to serve forever. \par With Angels and eternal watch to keep. \par So may, may they rest in silent peaceful slumber. \par They cannot die, they only fall asleep. \par \b Page 7 - Family's First\b0 \par 1. The first born child to William (Billy) and Nancy Winn(Wynn) was William. \par 2. First born grandchild was William's daughter, Laura. \par 3. Eddie P. Wynn Sr., was the first Wynn to graduate from high school. He was a member of the first class to graduate from the new Mecklenburg Training High School in 1932. \par 4. Ella Wynn Hudson was the first to receive a teaching certificate from St. Paul's Normal School, Lawrenceville, Virginia. \par 5. Lomax Wynn (Jack) was the first member of the family to go to a large city and become gainfully employed. He chose Baltimore, Maryland. \par 6. The first Winn(Wynn) family reunion took place in August 1972 at Holiday Inn in South HIll, Virginia. Nancy T. Burwell served as chairperson of the committee. She decide that we needed to have a Family Reunion. \par \b Pages 8 - 36\b0 list the children and their descendants of William and Nancy. \par \b Page 37\b0 has 12 poorly visible photocopied photographs of several family members. \par \b \b0 \par }
Last Modified NewCreated 21 Apr 2019 using Reunion for Macintosh
Data Exported from Reunion v12 on 21 Apr 2019